Prickly Paint Update

Well, I soaked my sliced-up prickly pear paddles for 3-4 days and strained the ooze through cheesecloth. The slimy liquid went in the blender with a spoonful of yellow ochre. I prepared a second batch with red iron oxide powder. I painted it on the back wall of the garage over very faded yellow- orange latex paint. In the photo, see yellow ochre ( left), and red iron oxide (right). The dried (vs. wet) cactus paint was much lighter in color with a matt surface. When I rubbed it, some powder came off on my fingers. But, the next day..... to my great surprise, hardly any rubbed off! Later, I rubbed linseed oil over some areas to make it weatherproof, and glossier. The linseed area is the darker part of the photo's mid-lower area. Overall, I'm encouraged and have another pail of cactus juice brewing. I learned that you can't let it sit around for 5-6 days or the stench is unforgetable. Maybe I should try freezing any extra.....
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