Sunday, January 07, 2007
I love this little yellow daisy annual (Pectis sp.). I lost it when Mexican gardeners helped me--it was a weed to them and was removed. I had to transplant a few seedlings back in the garden and let them go to seed, to get it established again. It seems to sprout especially well along the brick border which stays wetter after rain or watering. I like the irregular edge it gives to the paths. Now I train gardeners (when I'm lucky to find someone) to pull only the grasses.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
I'm Back!
I haven't posted anything for a long time because I went to California for a few months in the summer and have been busy. I luckily missed Hurricane John, though by husband, Rob experienced it firsthand. I have been in the garden with my camera and will post as much as I can. We also sold our house, but are still living in it while building a new house on the adjacent lot. I get to design a new garden there soon!